Face 2 Face

Wax Reading

Wax readings is an ancient reading practice that has its roots in the ancient Sumer civilization. Later on, from the year 3500 BC molten tin or natural wax reading was routinely used to see the future, answer questions, predict outcomes of battles, and speak to the Spirit world. Wax or tin reading is a more personal type of reading compared to other forms which use a preset set of characters or images. Wax or tin reading is more expressive and personalized for each specific situation. Wax reading is one of the most ancient forms of future telling

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Picture Reading

Do you want to know what that person close to your heart really thinks and feels ? Are you unsure of what someone wants ? Do they love you or is it just friendship ? My psychic reading from looking at your photo you provide of a friend or loved one on the Earth plane or in spirit and it allows me to see deep into a persons energy to gain insight and answers.I work as a psychic medium and use my powers to connect to the energy that comes from a persons image and aura. Energy always travels and it is that energy which I tune into.This spiritual reading works best with questions and you can ask up to 2 questions about the same person or situation, this service is £50,  if you would like to book in please use the contact us tab with the perfect day and time that suits you.

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Full Guidance In-Depth

During this reading you will receive an in-depth guidance which will cover mostly your present and what's to come in the future, you can ask 4 questions either before or after your reading, I don't really put time limits on our in depth as you never know what can come up for you and how much we need to cover, this service is £65,  if you would like to book please use the contact us tab for the perfect day and time that suits you.

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Spirit Box

During a spirit box session I use a divination tool/ communicating device in which you'll be able to hear during our session, I will take notes during this session that you can take home with you

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Reiki is a non-invasive complementary therapy and is used holistically helping your body work its own healing magic. Universal energy connects us on an energetic and spiritual level where the healing work is conducted. Looking for a quick and easy way to send positive Reiki healing energy to yourself or a loved one? During my healings I start with a full body scan and let you know what I'm picking up in each area of your body including where I feel issues are coming from.. Filled with powerful Reiki healing intentions, It can be sent to a person at any time or situation.  I can work through full body or focus more on areas you require extra healing, once I'm finished your healing I put a shield of protection over you, this service is £30,  if you would like to book please use the contact us page with your perfect day and time.

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